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Los Angeles,
CA 90028

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Apply to Get Featured in Fashion Republic Magazine

How to Apply to Get Featured in Fashion Republic Magazine?

To get featured in Fashion Republic Magazine, follow the steps below to apply. The application is free.

If your photo is selected, you will receive an email with the next steps.

Step 1:

Go to our website and click “Get Featured” in the menu. Then select “Model Application”. You can also use this link to go to the page directly: Model Application

Step 2:

Click “ADD TO CART” button.

Step 3:

Click “VIEW CART” button.

Step 4:

Click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” button (at the bottom of the page).

Step 5:

Enter the information below:

  • Model first name and last name
  • Email address (model or parent email address)
  • Model Age
  • Model Instagram
  • Minimum one, maximum three photos
  • Add photographer credits if available

After filling out the information above, click “PLACE ORDER” button (at the bottom of the page). You will be redirected to the confirmation page. Thank you for your applying to FR Magazine!

Blogger and fashion enthusiast for 20 years. Experienced runway and commercial model located in Los Angeles. I love creating helpful content and sharing with the world. Reach me out for any questions or feedback.